M E M O R I A: T H E  W A Y  O F  T H E  M A R Y S

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Accept a Feeling / Create A Vision 


In Memoria, you and I are urged to create a vision of our future. This is a vision in which “who you are” won’t be disregarded or inflated but known

Whether I am disgruntled or jubilant, I am welcomed to find and to accept myself as I am. In that moment of acceptance, knowing comes. Then, from the sensations that arise with new vision, I find vague ideas maturing into new creative possibilities.


Creation is not only the manifestation of the good and the beautiful, but the power to bring truth to illusion, where the denial of goodness and beauty causes it to remain in exile . . . not only with the tender-hearted, but with the vast majority of humanity. 

Humanity is in exile from itself. 

This exile rises to consciousness with the creative one’s fullness of desire, which is becoming, in this new time, absolute. The will to create is the will to live. To deny the will to create is to deny one’s own life, and the way of the Creator. “Memoria” p. 147


The will to create is the will to live.