When I’m writing poorly, I can get to feeling so low. 

I often call bad writing “dribble.” When it appears, I’ll say to myself, “I hope the dribble goes away.” But what I am really hoping for is inspiration. I realized this recently and changed that sentence around: “I hope for inspiration’s return,” instead of hoping for the demise of the dribble.

It got me to look up the places where Mary and I talked about hope. I then added some from Jesus too. I feel that they emphasize that what is happening in the world in this time is part of the end of the old, an ending that will make way for The New. The New is emblazoned by changes of thought that embrace our gifts.

As the old dribbles away, I can feel hope pouring in. How about you? 


[We] gather the ways of The New together so that the hope of the people can initiate creation of The New from all quarters.  ~Mary of Nazareth, from Mirari: The Way of the Marys, p. 82





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We share one story, a story of life, of living. And in this acceptance of life as it is, we embrace suffering, and suffering falls away from us as singular suffering . . . as you think of all single mothers, all women raped, all those discriminated against, all those overlooked and unseen, all those who struggle with lack, all those who have hurt and been hurt by those they love, all those who have lied to shield their pain, their embarrassment, their shame, and their hope of being different than they are, different than the circumstances of their lives, so that they can remain true to love, the love they are. ~Jesus in Mirari, p. 114




I hope to comfort and inspire you, and all of those who are entering The Way of the Marys, and who will do so imperfectly, and with vestiges of the old nipping at your heels. ~Mary, in Mirari p. 333


“I place the highest value on . . . friendships. I can’t believe my good fortune with the people I can count amongst my friends, and you know this means more to me than money, just like A Course of Love remaining true to what it is means more than its popularity. I have to laugh. That’s the “mother” in me isn’t it.

So is my hope. It’s about hope. It’s about a future different than the past. I might sound naïve but what I do is for the good of the world—like being an environmental activist or something of that nature.” Mari Perron, p. 292 in Mirari.


From A Course of Love


Do not turn your back on the hope offered here, and when new life flows in to release the old, forget not from where it came. C:7.23 ~Jesus


Do you not believe that were you to perish something quite unique would be lost to the world? You are alone and irreplaceable: one of a kind. Within you lie all that you would hope to contribute and create. Within the actions and interactions of your lifetime lie all the effects you would hope to have on what remains here. C:14.16 ~Jesus


Bitterness and uncertainty are replaced by hope. Hope is the condition of the initiate, new to the realization of having a home within the embrace. It is the response that says to all you have just read, “Ah, if only it were true.”  20.36 ~Jesus


Hope is a manner of acting as if the best possible outcome you can imagine could truly occur. Hope is a willingness to accept love and the grace and cooperation that flow from love. Hope is a willingness to ask for help, believing it will come. Hope is the reason and the outcome for which we pray. C.20.38 ~Jesus




“To you, and all, I offer hope that answers to our prayers will rise out of the fire of the new; that as the flames reach skyward, they bring you the uncommon thought, the unnamed inspiration, and the self-love that allows you to find your voice, share it with a friend (or the world), and in this way, “be” the spark . . . be among the many dazzling lights that are igniting The New. 

“We” are the changing form of the world.” ~Mari, p.341 Mirari