Talking Naturally with Jon Mundy


Mother’s Day 2021


    When Jon Mundy and I first met, in 2009, I was nervous. It was my first meeting with a leader of A Course in Miracles. But my nervousness soon vanished. We talked for hours. Ever since I have called him “friend.” Yet no conversation we ever had compared to that first meeting and the assurance it, and he gave me, that I could be comfortable talking about A Course of Love, even with some who might not be predisposed to welcoming it.

    Now, In Mirari: The Way of the Marys, our feminine ways of knowing and sharing are lauded; encouraged. All is spoken with intimacy and a radical gentleness that acknowledges and encourages the feminine in men as well as women. Holy Mary asks us to take up the fullness of our true nature . . . to be who we are. It can be called many things, but my shorthand is “being real.” When we are who we are, in relationship with each other, we experience union with each other and our Holy Ones. My hope is that each of us can see that we have no need to be other than as we were created to be.

   Holy Mary calls this way of being “natural.”

    This is a great example of what I feel is at the heart of A Course of Love and Mirari: The Way of the Marys. (The Way of Mary was first introduced in A Course of Love.) 

    My work is concerned with the miracles of joining, and how essential being who we truly are is to that joining. I first gained this concern as I read A Course in Miracles compulsively, reading it straight through seven times in two years.  Amid that reading, and since that reading, I have literally asked my dearest friends to join me in Holy Relationship.


    I welcome you, who may be honoring “your” mother on this day, to join us, in relation to the voice and wisdom of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.


“Be who you are, and all will be well.”



Image copyright SWPA.Photography